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More generic posts and blogs relating with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) including Open Banking and PSD2

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

How collaboration with specialist providers can boost bank innovation

Bank offerings and customer expectations are evolving fast. For each specific client need, specific solutions need to be built, requiring lots of investments, IP and expertise. To keep up, banks can’t afford to reinvent the wheel every time. Therefore they are opening up, and welcoming the win-win collaboration with specialist third parties that c...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The role of application networks in an open banking world

We’re fast approaching a complete transformation in the way we consume financial services. In the future, the bank as we know it won’t define how its services are delivered, the demands and expectations of customers will. We as customers don’t want to be tied down to a single bank, we want to access financial services where we want, when we want, ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why API integration will allow the digital banking ecosystem to thrive in 2019

Open banking is about building and integrating an ecosystem of digital products, designed for one purpose – to create a seamless user experience. What we at Cloud Elements have seen over the past several years are more and more businesses realising that APIs (application programming interfaces) are fundamental to the digitalisation process. In fa...

Ashley Murdoch

Ashley Murdoch CEO at Corethree

Embracing open APIs to offer a better customer experience

The speed at which consumers have adopted mobile digital platforms is testimony to how highly they prize the convenience of mobile apps. But just as the advent of supermarkets made shopping easier by bringing different types of grocery produce, clothing, hardware and more under one roof, apps that offer only one type of product and services could ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Applying Developer Experience Best Practices to Open Banking API Error Messages

I have worked closely with financial institutions, particularly on building banking sandboxes in Nordic and North European countries, so that third party API consumer developers can build new innovative, new customer-facing fintech products. We all know that, with APIs offered for integration, focusing on developer experience can determine the futu...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Apitalism: Open Banking vs Platform Banking - what is the difference?

It may be hard to know the difference between Socialism and Communism for some. I think the same dilemma exists between Open Banking and Platform Banking definitions – as both sound very similar but actually two very different things. For this reason, I decided to write this article to clarify the boundary between these two terms. Let’s start wi...

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Are Open Consortia the Answer to Corporate Banking APIs?

Banks struggle to balance two imperatives: to open their systems to external partners and clients via application programming interfaces (APIs) and to control the user interaction. In order to maintain the direct and captive relationship with their corporate clients, banks are building their own API-based catalogs with high walls separating them f...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Chain of Trust

In the traditional two or three-tier world of web development, there is an inherent trust between the client and the server. Each is contextually aware of the other and withholds or shares information depending on the level of trust. The server may generate and persist session information about the client to enforce control or to simplify interac


Retired Member

Retired Member 

API Misconceptions

I’d like to clarify some things about the use of HTTP verbs for RESTful APIs and the apparent misconceptions these can bring about. Firstly, there are a few people who believe that RESTful APIs are predominantly for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. I covered how this can be extended to other operations in a previous article; Nouns


Retired Member

Retired Member 

API Fragments - simple flexibility

Designing APIs often leads to a compromise between producers and/or consumers. Consumers of APIs would like the interface to be as close to their requirements as possible; they want to avoid possible composition or contract navigation. API producers would like their interface to be as simple as possible; they want to support maximum reuse and con


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