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Data Management and Governance

Anything that can be used to better manage and govern data.

Tejasvi Addagada

Tejasvi Addagada Enterprise Data Head at Fortune 500 financial service provider

Aspects of data quality, an Artificial Intelligence unit has to focus on for better outcomes

Clean Data is a crucial need to get an outcome from Machine Learning models. Often much time to the tune of 40% is spent on understanding and cleaning data before modeling and providing an outcome. Scale and diversity in data is also another important aspect while planning for a model. How accurate is the data to give a usable outcome – is a major ...

/sustainable /predictions

Gregoire Haftman

Gregoire Haftman Global Head of Data Sales at Macrobond

The 8 principles of good data management

“There is so much data out there, but I spend more time on reconciling, verifying and mapping it, rather than actually analysing it to enrich my decision-making process.” Sound familiar? Then you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common complaints I hear when I speak to customers. According to MongoDB, a leading cloud-based database software provi...

/cloud /markets

Jim Steven

Jim Steven Head of Crisis & Breach Response at Experian Consumer Services

How businesses should prepare for a data breach

The Covid-19 pandemic has forever changed the business landscape. From how customers now expect to interact with companies in a seamless, digital journey to how best to confirm the identity of both new and existing customers, businesses now face a completely new set of operational challenges. Challenges which have accelerated rapidly since the pan...


Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Data providers - Valuable partners for every player in the financial industry

Expressions like "Data is the new oil" are already becoming a cliché on social media, but there is still a lot of truth to them. Obviously with customer centricity and hyper-personalization increasing, data gets more and more value. However just like raw oil, data in its raw form has little usage. It needs to be cleaned, filtered, struct...


Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Time to spring clean customer databases to drive growth

The last twelve months have been a challenging time for many in financial services, with the pandemic and also Brexit to contend with. This means it’s more important than ever to look at all options to keep customers happy and drive growth in 2021. Spring clean customer data A good place to start is with data. Best practice business decision makin...

/regulation /identity

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

Lenders: Do you trust your data sources?

It’s increasingly difficult to achieve a reliable data set – and that could mean you can’t trust the information shared within your lending organisation. So, what’s the solution? In this blog, we explore how to gain high-quality data for credit risk programs, like AML, without it taking an abundance of your time. Beyond satisfying regulatory gover...

/regulation /retail

Lynda Kershaw

Lynda Kershaw 

Don’t let legacy application challenges hold back your digital transformation

We all recognize that the pandemic has made digital transformation a more urgent priority for financial services organisations. With employees working from home and many more customers wanting to do business virtually, the pressure to innovate and roll out digital and virtual services to stay ahead of the competition is intense. However, a major b...

/regulation /covid-19

David Csiki

David Csiki President & COO at INDATA

How Emerging Tech Can Transform Client Outreach and Reporting for Investment Managers

Whether it be standardized client statements, marketing factsheets or other investor communications, investment management firms face a myriad of challenges when trying to provide accurate reporting to clients, consultants and other third parties. Investment managers seeking to automate client outreach and differentiate themselves from their compe...

/wealth /predictions

Christopher Smith

Christopher Smith Director at Mail Manager Ltd

Compliance and control: Solve your data headache with better email and document management

The increasing volume of data that financial firms hold is making it difficult for them to control information and ensure sensitive correspondence is managed effectively. This lack of data management control is putting financial firms at enhanced risk of data breaches, insider attacks and poor client service. For example, research from Varonis fou...


John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

You've been quiet - are you Dormant, Deceased or just Gone Away?

When a financial sector customer becomes less active it is often an important signal that they have reached a new stage in their lifecycle, and critically need specific handling. We will look at some possible customer states that all share this common symptom but require quite different handling and priority from different business functions. The

/identity /crime

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