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Open Banking

Open Banking regulation, innovation and technology and it's potential to revolutionise the Financial Services Industry.

Erica Virlan

Erica Virlan Vice President at Salt Edge

How can travel industry leverage open banking to overcome challenges

Travel is one of the world’s biggest and crucial service industries in modern times. Statista predicts the sector will be worth US$1,015.60 billion by 2027, while 74% of total revenue will be generated through online sales. The introduction of open banking in 2018 changed the face of many industries and has impacted consumers around the globe. Sim...


Maysam Rizvi

Maysam Rizvi CEO at Elifinty

Cost of Living Crisis - Three Ways that Fintech Can Help

Households throughout the UK are struggling with the cost of living; from soaring food and energy costs to higher interest rates, communities throughout the country are tightening their budgets. Consumers are entering problem debt to make ends meet, spurred on by easy-to-access online lending. But not all is lost - the fintech industry is enabling...

/sustainable /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Accelerating Mass Adoption: Strategies for the Future of Finance

The pandemic has acted as a catalyst in the widespread adoption of digital payments, propelling contactless payments to the forefront of this transformation. According to a recent report from Juniper Research, the total number of unique contactless mobile payment users will reach 1 billion globally by 2024, rising from 782 million in 2022, represe...

/payments /retail

Paul Marcantonio

Paul Marcantonio Head of UK/Western Europe at Ecommpay

Will Open Banking hit the mainstream in 2023?

Open banking has the potential to reshape eCommerce transactions, yet so far, uptake has been slow amongst consumers. Since Open Banking was introduced in January 2018, UK banks have been required to make their data available in a standardised format, allowing third-party developers to build applications for financial services and enabling fast ban...

/payments /markets

Andy Wiggan

Andy Wiggan Chief Product Officer at GoCardless

It's crunch time for open banking in the UK

As the proverb goes, ‘patience is a virtue’, and that’s something many of us are having to keep in mind this week as we await the Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee’s (JROC) report on the future of open banking in the UK. Fortunately, the Coalition for a Digital Economy (Coadec) has given us all something to sink our teeth into after releasing ‘...

/payments /inclusion

Brad Goodall

Brad Goodall CEO at BANKED

What must happen to get Open Banking done right in the UK and Europe?

While Open Banking has been a game-changer for the UK’s financial services sector, the rest of Europe has yet to fully embrace this concept in the same way. This has resulted in a lack of consistency in implementation and a range of challenges that need to be addressed. Innovate Finance, the industry body representing UK FinTech, in partnership wi...

/payments /regulation

Benny Boye Johansen

Benny Boye Johansen Head of OpenAPI at Saxo Bank

API Quality is more than meets the eye

As Saxo is working to create the vision for our next version of OpenAPI, we are looking for many sources of inspiration as to what needs to get improved. One initiative is a collaboration with the Department of Digitalization at Copenhagen Business School with the purpose to assess API quality and how different ways of working, different design me...


Richard McCall

Richard McCall CEO at Armalytix

FTX was crypto’s canary. Financial institutions ignore its demise at their peril

Despite a raft of recent issues, financial institutions remain determined to dive deeper into crypto. This presents real risks to institutions – and that it is imperative that they take precautions to properly protect themselves against the ever-present spectre of fraud and money laundering. The ink is still yet to dry on stories of the FTX coll...

/regulation /crime

Robert Sullivan

Robert Sullivan Public Policy & Strategy Director at

Why clamping down on APP fraud is a delicate balancing act for the PSR

On 25 November 2022, the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) closed its consultation on new proposals to help address Authorised Push Payment (APP) scams. Before it proceeds to implementation, we encourage the PSR to consider the potential impact of its APP scam proposals on the ability of Open Banking-enabled account-to-account (A2A) payments to effe...

/payments /regulation

Kamal Misra

Kamal Misra Senior Director, Head of Banking at Capgemini Invent India

Turn up the BaaS: How banks are rising to the occasion to embrace a discerning business model

Among the myriad tracks signifying evolutionary dynamics, mutualism finds resonance among researchers and biologists as an exploratory construct for behavioural validation. For the unversed, mutualism refers to relationships or interactions among species with each deriving a net benefit. Barter being a primordial habit has a significant biological...

/retail /predictions

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