UK Finance

144 results about this entity

Period: 02 Jan 2002 - 01 Aug 2024


PSR stands firm over reimbursement model for APP fraud

As the banking industry chafes against upcoming rules governing payback to victims of authorised push payment fraud, the Payment Systems Regulator has released new data which shows that reimbursement for victims still depends largely on who they bank with.


Third of Brits now use mobile contactless payments

The total number of payments made in the UK increased by five per cent in 2023 with a third of Brits now regularly paying with a tap of their mobile phone, according to UK Finance figures.


UK Finance launches site to support charity access to banking services

UK Finance today launches a new site including a step-by-step digital guide and FAQ to support charities and other voluntary organisations open and manage bank accounts.


UK firms that list abroad should pay back state aid - UK Finance

Companies that decide to list outside the UK or move valuable operations from the country should be made to pay back tax-payer funded support they have previously taken, according to a UK Finance report.


Next UK government should make Big Tech pay to fight scams - UK Finance

The next UK government should introduce a bill that forces technology, social media and telecoms firms to contribute £40 million a year to fight fraud and scams, says UK Finance.


UK bank fraud losses topped £1 billion last year

Fraud losses in the UK dropped by four percent in 2023, but still topped the £1 billion high watermarket.


UK Finance develops model clauses for variable recurring payments

UK Finance has teamed up with law firm Addleshaw Goddard to put together a set of model clauses that bank account providers and PSPs can use in variable recurring payments (VRPs).


UK moves to experimentation phase of Regulated Liability Network

The UK's biggest banks are pushing ahead with the experimentation phase of a Regulated Liability Network, a financial market infrastructure for programmable money operating on a multi-bank shared ledger.


BlackRock rolls out GenAI to staff and clients

Global investment manager BlackRock has announced the rollout of generative AI tools as soon as January in a bid to embrace the nascent technology.


UK Finance calls for creation of Quantum Taskforce

UK Finance has today launched two reports revealing the risks and opportunities of quantum for the UK financial services sector.


UK consumers lost over half a billion pounds to scams in the first half of 2023

Criminals stole £580 million through unauthorised and authorised fraud in the first half of 2023, a two per cent decrease compared with the same period in 2022, according to new figures from UK Finance.


UK to test Regulated Liability Network concept for retail payments

The UK is to push ahead with a proof-of-concept on the development of a Regulated Liability Network, a financial market infrastructure for programmable money operating on a multi-bank shared ledger.